Conference Presentations

More Than a Financial Institution

Presented By David Brehmer and Lauren Whaley

Participants will learn how credit unions are focusing on social purpose and leveraging the eight cooperative principles to overcome development issues and increase financial prosperity for its members and communities.

Five Important Gauges for a
Credit Union

Presented By Tim Gardner

To best serve our members, we must operate in an efficient and financially responsible manner. Learn which financial measures are most vital to a credit union’s success.

Building Stronger Relationships Through Greater Self Awareness

Presented By Betty Parker

Participants will learn how to communicate with co-workers, manage conflict, and hold self and others accountable in attaining the mission daily.

POWERup Teamwork and Leadership Skill

Presented By Dr. Troy Hall and Ben-Jamin Toy

Wanting to be ready for the next advancement opportunity? Looking to power up your leadership skills while learning to be a cohesive team player?

Creative Thinking for the
Cohesive Leader

Presented By Dr. Troy Hall and Ben-Jamin Toy

Afraid of making a mistake? Fear the choice made is not a popular one? Will failure inhibit growth, development, and advancement?